Artist statement


Artist Statement

For artist Atalante, all the research process starts with the act of drawing, then starts the pictorial creation using graphic mediums or colors. His natural contemplative nature and curiosity will lead him to explore various subjects. He wants to understand the structure of things, also movement and light. Life drawing observation with models is the core of his research, often done with ink and watercolour on Chinese paper which are eventually mounted on canvas. His painted figurative works presents numerous sequences of superimposed images, revealing a passage in the movement of the model through space-time. Interweaved figures melt in a dazzling interaction of colors and forms, leading to a break through an unexpected vision of reality.

Atalante art should be considered as modern since it is still possible to express passion and create visual poetry via the simple process of creating a painting – a painting whose frame opens onto a landscape of the imagination. It’s an approach that follows the revolutionary ruptures pierced in the fabric of traditional art of more than a century ago, guided by the non-reactionary principle of evolution, this art, personnal and unique is the character of the road followed by the artist.